Tartini Competition

Bojan Glavina (born on December 6th, 1961 in Postojna)
composer, pianist, piano pedagogue, lecturer, publicist, and collector.
Currently, the Slovenian composer’s pieces are some of the most frequently performed works - especially his compositions for children and youth. He has been a valued community member and resident of Piran for over 30 years. In 2013, he received one of the biggest honors the Municipality of Piran bestows upon its residents - the Tartini Award. His compositions have found their way to stages and hearts of audiences all over the world and they have become a mandatory part of propositions at Slovene national competitions for young musicians (TEMSIG), as well as at other piano competitions. We are proud to introduce him as a compulsory composer at the Tartini Competition for Young Musicians in Piran.
Bojan Glavina graduated from the University of Ljubljana Academy of Music with a degree in organ (under Prof. Hubert Bergant) and composition (under Prof. Marko Mihevc). As a young teacher he also completed a two-year program in piano pedagogy in Gorizia under Prof. Siyavush Gadzhiev.

Teaching piano in his professional life, he started composing on the side as a hobby. He was driven by an inner need to play with imaginative sound variations and many times his compositions were equally inspired by the desire to write something individually tailored to the student, creating a piece that would help students progress to the next level in their piano skills as well as experiencing fun and enjoyment.
His compositions, especially the ones aimed at children and adolescents, are melodious, contain attractive harmonies with playful and humorous titles. They are descriptive and easy to understand for children without having that overtly didactic note and are being very well received by the youngest of audiences.

His compositional oeuvre is rich and varied, following the spirit of the prolific creations by composers of the Baroque and early Classicist era. It is important to mention that over 20 different publishers have published as many as 62 of Glavina's independent collections - books, and 24 joint collections.
Most of his pieces are dedicated to piano and various chamber ensembles, closely followed by choir, and other soloists (instrumentalists and singers), and orchestras. He received more than 20 awards in Slovenian and foreign competitions for his individual compositions or collections.

To name just a few: 1st prize at the competition for children's and youth choirs in Zagorje ob Savi in 1997; 1st and 2nd prize in the competition "Primo concorso di Composizione per strumento” in Povoletto, Italy, in 2000; Prešeren Award by the University of Ljubljana Academy of Music for his orchestral composition Four Folklore Miniatures in 2008; His ZEN Preludes for piano -  was chosen on »Tribune of composers« among 300 compositons from composers around the world; 3rd prize for a choral composition at a competition in Croatia,  "Zodiac: across the universe", awarded in 2013, in New York, USA; 1st prize for the composition Four Meditations chosen among 74 composers from around the world at the competition in Albenga, Italy, in 2020 and various others).
So far he has released seven CDs: "Sound Landscapes" (a selection of chamber compositions), a CD with clarinetist Robert Stanič, a CD with Trio Julius, "Breath of Spring" (arrangements for clarinet, violin and piano), "Music of the Seasons" (12 compositions for piano four hands), “Through the fairytale places of black and white keys” (music for piano four hands and two pianos), “Album of fragments” (chamber compositions).

Bojan Glavina's work in the field of music is extremely broad: he is the founder and editor of the music magazine "Primorska sozvočja" (1999-2005). He was also the long-time leader of the professional piano assets of the Association of Primorska Music Schools. He is a founding member of EPTA Slovenia - the Association of Piano Teachers of Slovenia, in which he regularly participates in various projects at the annual Slovenian Piano Days. He has often been called as a member of professional juries along the Coast as well as at several international competitions in the disciplines of piano solo, piano duo and chamber ensemble. He is a collector and an excellent connoisseur of music literature by Slovenian composers, especially for piano. Under his guidance, during his 30 years of pedagogical work at domestic and foreign competitions, his piano students have received around 120 awards. Many young pianists at national and international competitions received a special award for their performances of Glavina's compositions.

In 2023, he received the highest professional award in the field of music education from the Association of Slovenian Music Schools - the Frane Gerbič Lifetime Achievement Award.

The friendliest music competition in Europe

in the beautiful city of Piran.


DIE Zuständige InstitutionEN:
Punkt Musikschule Koper, Gallusova 2, 6000 Koper, Slowenien
Punkt Rotary Klub PortoroZ, Obala 43, 6320 PortoroZ, Slowenien

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